Setup guide for developers

Add a MOD.UK Frontend component to your application, so you can test everything works.

You need to:

  1. Install MOD.UK Frontend using npm.
  2. Add the HTML for a component to your application.
  3. Load the CSS.
  4. Add the images.
  5. Load the JavaScript.

If you have problems using npm, email

1. Install MOD.UK Frontend using npm

Install Node.js. We recommend version 18. You can use version 16 if you want to.

cd to the root of your project and check if you have a package.json file. If you do not have the file, create it by running:

npm init

Install Dart Sass

Install Dart Sass if you want to use Sass. We recommend version 1.56.1 or higher. Run:

npm install --save-dev sass

Do not use other implementations of Sass, such as Node Sass. Dart Sass gets new features before other implementations.

If you’re not using Sass

We provide a compiled CSS file you can use in step 3 (Load the CSS) if you’re not using Sass.

Install Nunjucks

Install Nunjucks version 3.2.3 or higher if you want to use MOD.UK Frontend’s Nunjucks macros:

npm install nunjucks

If you’re not using Nunjucks

You can still use the HTML snippets for each component if you’re not using Nunjucks.

Install MOD.UK Frontend and GOV.UK Frontend

Install both MOD.UK Frontend and GOV.UK Frontend:

npm install @moduk/frontend govuk-frontend

When the installation finishes, the @moduk/frontend package will be in your node_modules folder.

2. Add the HTML for a component to your application

Copy the HTML for the accordion component and paste it into a page or template in your application. The accordion will help you check everything is working, including the JavaScript in step 5.

In production we recommend using Nunjucks if you’re able to.

3. Load the CSS

If you’re using Sass

Add the following to the main Sass file in your project, so your Sass compiler adds all of MOD.UK Frontend’s styles to your CSS file:

@import '@moduk/frontend/src/css';

Check your existing Sass config to make sure node_modules has been added to the load paths.

If you’re using the sass command-line tool, this can be done by adding --load-path=node_modules to your command line.

You may see deprecation warnings when compiling your Sass. You can silence deprecation warnings caused by third-party dependencies if required.

If you’re not using Sass

We provide a compiled version of the CSS if you’re not using Sass.

Copy the node_modules/@moduk/frontend/dist/css/index.css file to <YOUR-STATIC-FILES-FOLDER>/index.css.

Add CSS file to your page template

Add your CSS file to the <head> section of your page template if you have not already done so. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<YOUR-CSS-FILE>.css">

Run your application

Run your application and check that the accordion displays correctly.

The accordion will not be interactive until you’ve completed step 5 (Load the JavaScript).

4. Add the images

Some components such as the footer have images.

These images will not display until you’ve added MOD.UK Frontend’s assets to your application.

Create the <YOUR-STATIC-FILES-FOLDER>/assets/images folder if it does not exist.

Copy the folder node_modules/@moduk/frontend/dist/assets/images/ to <YOUR-STATIC-FILES-FOLDER>/assets/images.

If the static files folder is public, you can copy with these commands:

macOS and Linux:

cp -R node_modules/@moduk/frontend/dist/assets/images public/assets/

Windows (command prompt):

copy node_modules\@moduk\frontend\dist\assets\images public\assets\images\

In your live site, we recommend using an automated task instead of copying the files manually.

5. Load the JavaScript

Add script tag

Add a <script> at the start of your <body> section as follows:

document.body.className += ' js-enabled' + ('noModule' in HTMLScriptElement.prototype ? ' govuk-frontend-supported' : '');

Copy JavaScript file

Copy the node-modules/@moduk/frontend/dist/client/moduk-frontend.umd.js file to <YOUR-STATIC-FILES-FOLDER>/moduk-frontend.umd.js.

If the app JavaScript folder is public, you can copy with these commands:

macOS and Linux:

cp node_modules/@moduk/frontend/dist/client/moduk-frontend.umd.js public/

Windows (command prompt):

copy node_modules\@moduk\frontend\dist\client\moduk-frontend.umd.js public\

In your live site, we recommend using an automated task instead of copying the file manually.

Import JavaScript file and initialise components

Just before the closing </body> tag, import the file and initialise the components:

document.body.className = ((document.body.className) ? document.body.className + 'js-enabled' : 'js-enabled');


<script src="<YOUR-STATIC-FILES-FOLDER>/moduk-frontend.umd.js"></script>

Run your application

Run your application and check it works the same way as the MOD.UK Design System accordion example. Select the buttons and check the accordion shows and hides sections.